Hello everyone,
Here are some quick hits to let everyone know where we are ATM.
We have been working to streamline everything in VeeCal. Pretty much all of you should have received instructions on how to sign up, login, and download updates and new procedures. Special thanks to Utah for showing me a better way to do this. Saved an enormous amount of time!
We are down to the last of the Rigols at this time with 2 models remaining - the DS70304 and the DS70504. Once we code in the spectrum analyzer part, that will wrap it up for us in Rigols.
From there we are off to the TBS series from Tek and should have those test ready in 2 to 3 weeks
Then we have a DSA70804 we will review for coding (8 GHz I believe)
Afterwards we will go to either the Siglent line or to the LeCroy Waverunners - not sure at this moment.
We also have a fair bit of input on the Rigol sig gens - the AWGs - and even the spec ans.
Also have heard from folks that would like to see the Anritsu SiteMaster line done.
We are working nonstop to bring you nothing but the best and will try to have 200 new models done before the end of 2023.
Last thing and then I have to jet.
When you get one of these BETA test programs PLEASE let us know if it ran flawlessly or not. Run the entire procedure from start to finish and if there are problems let us know ASAP. We will do everything we can at that moment to resolve it.
Currently, let me tell you the SERIES we are actively looking for to do finalized testing on.
Rigol DHO1000
Rigol DS4000
Rigol DS6000
Rigol DS7000
Rigol MSO 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000, 7000, and 8000
All the best, Mike Kugler